- Corporate banking
- Investment banking
- B2B consulting
- Management consulting
- Strategic Product Management
- Project Management
- International
media commentator

Vibhuti organized the first
ever "Doing Business with India" seminar series in collaboration with Bear, Stearns in Washington D.C. at the Four
Seasons in early 1992. "Our support continued until others stepped in to carry on the program series. This was
a major initiative towards public relations, marketing and education for American corporations to introduce India's commitment
towards the liberalisation program and invite Foreign Direct Investments to the country. With certain sense of pride,
I can state that the interest shown by American investors today is the result of the pioneering work done by a few
good men like us from several major institutions and which was well carried on in later years." VJ
decided to stay in the U.S.,
where he then developed businesses with the high net worth segment of Indians in America ("a natural selection since
my banking days") for asset management, risk management, Trusts and Estates planning, retirement plans, and other activities. During this period, he obtained all licenses required by the NASD/SEC to market securities
and risk management products and services in the U.S.